
Topical Term

Being Edie is hard today

"A sensitive girl imagines transforming herself into different animals to help manage her intense emotions during difficult situations at school"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Being Edie is hard today

A Mustache Baby Christmas

"Mustache Baby wants to be a Santa's helper like Beard Baby, but after making a workshop full of toys he decides to keep them for himself and lands on the naughty list"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of A Mustache Baby Christmas

No rules for Michael

While studying the Ten Commandments Michael says he would rather there were no rules, but when his teacher gives him a day without rules, Michael learns an important lesson.
Cover image of No rules for Michael


A little boy argues that "because" is a perfectly acceptable response to a question, in spite of what his mother says.
Cover image of Because

Who wet my pants?

When Reuben the bear brings doughnuts to his forest friends, they discover that his pants are wet and he angrily accuses them of the dirty deed.
Cover image of Who wet my pants?

Give that back, Jack!

a cautionary tale
Jack takes whatever he wants until he finds something he can't take.
Cover image of Give that back, Jack!

It's my way or the highway

turning bossy into flexible and assertive
"Cora June learns that there is a difference between being assertive and being bossy, and that she can be a leader and still be flexible"--OCLC.
Cover image of It's my way or the highway

The ones who walk away from Omelas

a story
Some inhabitants of a peaceful kingdom cannot tolerate the act of cruelty that underlies its happiness.
Cover image of The ones who walk away from Omelas


Book 2
"Donovan Curtis has never been what anyone would call 'gifted.' But his genius friend Noah Youkilis is actually supergifted, with one of the highest IQs around. After years at the Academy for Scholastic Distinction, all Noah dreams of is the opportunity to fail if he wants to. And he's landed in the perfect place to do it--Donovan's school. Almost immediately, Noah finds himself on the wrong side of cheerleading captain Megan Mercury and alpha jock Hash 'Hashtag' Taggart. Sticking up for Noah lands Donovan in the middle of a huge feud with Hashtag. He's told to stay away from the sports star--or else. That should be the end of it, but when a freak incident suddenly makes Donovan a hero, he can't tell anyone about it since Hashtag is involved. So Noah steps in and becomes 'Superkid'"--Back cover.
Cover image of Supergifted

Lucia Lacorte, poor sport

Lucia Lacorte's gaming club meets on Fridays, but the truth is the other members are not having fun because, win or lose, Lucia is a very poor sport; a fact that is finally made clear to her when the others stop showing up, and her grandfather mimics her behavior when he wins--and loses.
Cover image of Lucia Lacorte, poor sport


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