juvenile literature

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juvenile literature

The adventures of Odysseus

An illustrated adaptation of Homer's classic tale of Odysseus and his adventures after the long Trojan War.
Cover image of The adventures of Odysseus

Unlikely pairs

fun with famous works of art
Contains a collection of twenty-eight works of art, from different eras and styles, presented in pairs, and invites the reader to discover fourteen funny stories produced by being viewed together.
Cover image of Unlikely pairs

Madam president

An introduction to women, some better known than others, who have influenced politics and policies in the United States and in the world.
Cover image of Madam president

Who was Harry Houdini?

An illustrated biography of Harry Houdini, the celebrated escape artist who also was an actor, a pilot, and exposed many fake spiritualists.
Cover image of Who was Harry Houdini?

Draw 50 vehicles

selections from Draw 50 boats, ships, trucks, and trains, and Draw 50 airplanes, aircraft, and spacecraft
Step-by-step instructions for drawing fifty different kinds of transportation including tugboats, dump trucks, locomotives, hang gliders, spacecraft, and the Wright Brothers' first airplane.
Cover image of Draw 50 vehicles

Mistakes that worked

Presents the stories behind forty things that were invented or named by accident, including aspirin, X-rays, Frisbees, Silly Putty, and Velcro.
Cover image of Mistakes that worked

Adventures in ancient Greece

Young Josh, Emma, and Libby Binkerton try to travel into the future but end up in ancient Greece instead, learning about Greek culture, and soon their temporal trip turns chaotic when Libby takes a chariot for a ride.
Cover image of Adventures in ancient Greece

Adventures with the Vikings

The Binkerton children find themselves transported back to the time of the Vikings thanks to the Good Times Travel Agency and its owner Julian T. Pettigrew. Includes facts about clothing, food, transportation, religion, and other aspects of Viking life.
Cover image of Adventures with the Vikings

Under the ice

Dr. Kathy Conlan describes what is involved in her work as a marine biologist studying the sea stars and other creatures that live on the sea bed under the ice of Antarctica.
Cover image of Under the ice

The Beatles

Presents the story of the legendary rock group the Beatles, chronicling the members' lives and describing their rise to stardom, musical innovations, and impact on pop culture.
Cover image of The Beatles


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