juvenile literature

Topical Term
juvenile literature

The Christmas menorahs

how a town fought hate
Describes how people in Billings, Montana, joined together to fight a series of hate crimes against a Jewish family.
Cover image of The Christmas menorahs

Happy birthday, Martin Luther King

An introduction to the great civil rights leader.
Cover image of Happy birthday, Martin Luther King

Puppies, puppies everywhere!

Simple text and photos present puppies doing what they do best, including playing and snuggling.
Cover image of Puppies, puppies everywhere!

Kate Shelley

bound for legend
A biography of the fifteen-year-old Iowa teenager who helped avert a train disaster in 1881 and became a national heroine.
Cover image of Kate Shelley

My season with penguins

an Antarctic journal
Describes the author's two-month stay in Antarctica to study and draw penguins.
Cover image of My season with penguins

Poetry matters

writing a poem from the inside out
Provides children with practical advice on how to write poems.
Cover image of Poetry matters

An apple tree through the year

Follows an apple tree through the four seasons, detailing the yearly growth cycle and examining the ecosystem of the entire apple orchard.
Cover image of An apple tree through the year

This place is wet

Focuses on the land, ecology, people, and animals of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, presenting it as an example of a place where there is so much water that some houses need to be built on stilts.
Cover image of This place is wet

Dinosaur for a day

Follows a typical day in the life of a family of Hypsilophodons, a smaller, lesser-known dinosaur whose great speed aided its survival.
Cover image of Dinosaur for a day

The shape of me and other stuff

Rhyme and silhouette drawings introduce the shape of bugs, balloons, peanuts, camels, spider webs, and many other familiar objects.
Cover image of The shape of me and other stuff


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