juvenile literature

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juvenile literature

What to do about Alice?

how Alice Roosevelt broke the rules, charmed the world, and drove her father Teddy crazy!
An illustrated biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth that focuses on her experiences while her father was president of the United States.
Cover image of What to do about Alice?

Amelia Earhart

more than a flier
Presents a brief biography of Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, in simple text with illustrations, including information on her achievements, and how she disappeared during her attempt to become the first woman to fly around the world.
Cover image of Amelia Earhart

Helen Keller and the big storm

A true incident in the life of young Helen Keller in which she gets stuck in a storm and her teacher, Annie Sullivan, rescues her.
Cover image of Helen Keller and the big storm

Hot air

the (mostly) true story of the first hot-air balloon ride
Presents a colorful children's story about the first passengers on the very first hot air balloon ride.
Cover image of Hot air


Presents an illustrated account of Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, and the subsequent bus boycott by the black community.
Cover image of Rosa

The tree in the ancient forest

Cumulative verse illustrates the interdependency of the plants and animals that live in the ancient forest, with information on the featured characters, including a 300-year-old Douglas fir tree, Northern spotted owls, and truffles. Also includes a brief discussion of the importance of ancient forests.
Cover image of The tree in the ancient forest

Penguins and Antarctica

a nonfiction companion to Eve of the emperor penguins
Jack and Annie share what they learned through their research on the penguins of Antarctica and the harsh conditions in which they live at the South Pole.
Cover image of Penguins and Antarctica


tall tales & mostly true stories about growing up Scieszka
Presents a memoir of what it was like to grow up in the 1950s and other almost true stories by American children's author Jon Scieszka.
Cover image of Knucklehead

A horse in the house

and other strange but true animal stories
An illustrated collection of strange but true animal stories drawn from reports in newspapers around the world.
Cover image of A horse in the house

The revolutionary John Adams

A biography of John Adams with emphasis on his role in the American Revolution.
Cover image of The revolutionary John Adams


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