personal names

Topical Term
personal names

From Aaron to Zoe

15,000 great baby names
Gives the origin, meaning, popularity, famous namesakes, and nicknames as an aid to naming children.

Baby names around the world

Presents alphabetical listings of over 50,000 names from around the world for boys and girls, and includes advice on choosing a baby name, lists of popular names, and other reference information.

Proud heritage

11,001 names for your African-American baby
Contains a listing of eleven thousand and one names and meanings for African-American babies that reflect American and European influences as well as African roots.

Encyclopedia of surnames

Contains over 7,000 alphabetically-arranged surnames including famous surnames, pseudonyms, Celtic names, and names common in the United Kingdom.

25,000+ baby names

Lists over twenty-five thousand baby names alphabetically in gender sections, providing meanings, origins, and variations, and includes themed lists such as the most popular names, celebrity names, and names inspired by places.

75,000+ baby names for the 21st century

A collection of over 75,000 baby names and their meanings gathered from over 220 different languages.

100,000+ baby names

Presents origins, meanings, and variations for more than 100,000 baby names, including ethnic names from over one hundred countries, and provides over three hundred themed lists, lists of the top one hundred boys' and girls' names of 2004, fifteen name-choice factors to consider, and work sheets for the choosing process.

The language of names

A history of names and naming drawn from social and literary accounts, psychology, and anthropology, discussing how names can define class structure, ethnic and religious practices, manners, and everyday life, and argues that one's name is inextricably bound to personality, character, and role.

Dictionary of American family names

Contains entries that explain the history and origins of the 70,000 most frequent family names in the United States, arranged alphabetically by surname, each with information on language of origin, original spelling, region, typology, and etymology. Includes essays that examine the surnames of particular languages and cultures.


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