personal names

Topical Term
personal names

Four boys named Jordan

Four Jordans in one third-grade classroom cause chaos and confusion for teacher and students alike.

A dictionary of first names

This dictionary provides a collection of linguistic, historical, and associated information about more than 6,000 first names.

American nicknames; their origin and significance

Lists nicknames belonging to famous Americans, cities, states, political organizations, and military regiments, arranged in dictionary form with sources included.

Brewer's dictionary of names

Spine title: Brewer's names. Over 8,000 entries reveal the origins of names including personal, place, and trade.

The boy who loved morning

Only after he has learned the difference between honoring morning and changing it to suit his own pride can Boy find the perfect name for himself.

Names to grow on

choosing a name your baby will love
Presents alphabetized profiles of girls' and boys' names, providing their meanings, origins, and variations and graphs of their popularity since the early twentieth century, and includes facts on names and naming; tips for adoptions, mixed-culture babies, and twins; and over 250 lists of names by category.

The new age baby name book

Presents alphabetical listings of more than 20,000 traditional and nontraditional names for males and females from cultures around the world, each with a pronunciation guide, country of origin, and definition, and includes suggestions for selecting and creating names.

Proper nouns

Teaches children what proper nouns are and explains how to use them.

Mrs. Tittle's turkey farm

On his way to finding a name for himself, a young turkey on Mrs. Tittle's farm narrowly escapes becoming a Thanksgiving Day meal.


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