sexual harassment

Topical Term
sexual harassment

The #MeToo movement

"This volume provides a concise . . . overview of the #MeToo Movement and its . . . impact on American society, from the studios of Hollywood to factories, campuses, and offices across the country"--Provided by publisher.

No more excuses

dismantling rape culture
Examines issues related to sexual assault in the United States. Explores the concept of rape culture from a variety of perspectives, looking at cases involving victims across races and genders while exploring such concepts as restorative justice and the #MeToo movement. Attempts to dismantle myths and highlights current legislation surrounding Title IX and age-of-consent laws.
Cover image of No more excuses

The silence breakers and the #metoo movement

Explores the #metoo movement and promotes awareness of sexual abuse, harassment, and assault in the United States.

#MeToo movement

"A movement begun a decade ago by American activist Tarana Burke, #MeToo went viral in 2017, changing the way people look at sexual harassment and assault of women. This . . . title encourages readers to examine silence breaking and the multiple issues related to the issues of power, gender equality, and violence"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of #MeToo movement

Sex discrimination

Sex discrimination (also known as gender discrimination) involves treating employees unequally and/or unfavorably because of their gender. Although men as well as women may encounter sex discrimination, it affects women far more often than men. Sex Discrimination examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination.
Cover image of Sex discrimination

Standing up to bullying at school

Explores the prevalence of bullying that LGBTQ students face at school and offers advice and encouragement for standing up to bullying.
Cover image of Standing up to bullying at school

Rape culture and sexual violence

Goes beyond the headlines to present of the fact of various sexual assault cases in the media.
Cover image of Rape culture and sexual violence

Critical perspectives on sexual harassment and gender violence

"Explores the many facets of the conversation surrounding sexual harassment and gender violence so that readers understand the causes, forms, and impact of these two interconnected issues"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Critical perspectives on sexual harassment and gender violence

Coping with sexual harassment

"Helps readers recognize sexual harassment when they experience or see it. They will learn about the power in calling out sexual harassment, that they are not alone, and how to help themselves and others heal"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Coping with sexual harassment


women speak out against sexual assault
Presents a collection of essays selected from the New York Times that looks at the history of the "#MeToo" movement in which women around the world share their stories of sexual assault and abuse.
Cover image of #MeToo


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