political refugees

Topical Term
political refugees

The tempest


Journey from the land of no

a girl caught in revolutionary Iran
Presents the memoirs of the author that depict her childhood in Iran. She discusses the stories of her childhood in pre-revolutionary Iran, detailing things such as the religious fanaticism that gripped the country, censorship, and the plight of Iranian Jews.

When broken glass floats

growing up under the Khmer Rouge : a memoir
A memoir in which the author discusses her experiences as a child living in Cambodia under the brutal Khmer Rouge, and tells of the hardships her family experienced until being brought to the United States by an uncle who was living in Oregon.

Music through the dark

a tale of survival in Cambodia
Daran Kravanh recounts the experiences he had while living in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge.

The tempest

Presents the annotated text of the darkly humorous play about Prospero, the deposed Duke of Milan, who is exiled to a magical island with his daughter, Miranda; and includes an introduction, an essay on the theatrical world of Shakespeare, and a note on the text used.

The tempest


A Cambodian odyssey

Haing Ngor's memoir of life under the communist Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.

A Tibetan family

Presents an overview of Tibetan history before relating the story of a refugee family who fled their homeland in 1959 and eventually moved to Columbus, Ohio where they became American citizens.

Alive in the killing fields

surviving the Khmer Rouge genocide
Nawuth Keat, a survivor of the Khmer Rouge invasion of Cambodia, describes his experiences, discussing the killings of his family members, his enslavement, the relationships that were formed between people from his community, and more.

Leaving Vietnam

the journey of Tuan Ngo, a boat boy
This book tells the story of a boy and his father who endure danger and difficulties when they escape by boat from Vietnam, spend days at sea, and then months in refugee camps before making their way to the United States.


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