
Geographic Name

Children's first space encyclopedia

Could there be life on other planets? How close is the nearest black hole? Will humans ever set foot on Mars? Find out the answers in this . . . reference guide.

Europe since 1914

encyclopedia of the age of war and reconstruction
Presents alphabetized articles on approximately eight hundred topics related to the history of Europe from the Bolshevik Revolution to the European Union, covering political, social, cultural, military, scientific, and economic aspects; and includes maps, a chronology, and illustrations.
Cover image of Europe since 1914

Europe 1789 to 1914

encyclopedia of the age of industry and empire
Contains entries that examine significant people, events, and developments in Europe from the onset of the French Revolution to the outbreak of World War I, covering such topics as industrialization, nationalism, mass politics, imperialism, power rivalries, and cultural change. Includes maps, a chronology, and an index.
Cover image of Europe 1789 to 1914

The 2000s in America

Contains brief articles arranged-alphabetically, from abortion through "Freakonomics," which cover the people, institutions, events, and developments that impacted the United States and Canada during the first decade of the twenty-first century.

From Abba to Zoom

a pop culture encyclopedia of the late 20th century
Presents a collection of 3,001 alphabetically arranged entries that define terms related to American popular culture, including music, television, board games, books, and film.

The encyclopedia of Ireland

Contains over five thousand alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about the people, culture, and history of Ireland, featuring biographies of famous men and women of Irish descent, as well as discussions of art, language, literature, politics, religion, sports, and other topics.
Cover image of The encyclopedia of Ireland

American Civil War

the essential reference guide
Cover image of American Civil War


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