
Geographic Name

Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American & Philippine-American wars

Alphabetically arranged entries provide information on the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars, discussing all the campaigns and principal battles of the conflicts, the key military and political figures, the role of the U.S. yellow press in manipulating public opinion, and other related topics.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American & Philippine-American wars

Encyclopedia of the American Civil War

a political, social, and military history
Presents over 1,600 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about political, military, and social aspects of the Civil War, including biographies of major and minor figures; and features primary documents, maps, illustrations, a glossary of terms, and an extensive bibliography.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of the American Civil War

Puerto Rico past and present

an encyclopedia
Contains approximately three hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about important people, places, events, social and political issues, legislation, movements and organizations, and terms and concepts related to Puerto Rico, covering a period that ranges from 1493 through the 1990s.
Cover image of Puerto Rico past and present

Encyclopedia of Latino popular culture

Contains nearly five hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about various aspects of Latino popular culture, covering people, celebrations, food, sports, events, literature and film, fashion, and other topics; and includes photographs and a chronology.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of Latino popular culture

Encyclopedia of Latino culture

from calaveras to quincea?eras
Presents a three volume set that looks at Latino culture, focusing on cultural traditions, secular and religious celebrations, and religious beliefs and practices.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of Latino culture

Encyclopedia of Latin American history and culture

Contains 5,287 articles about people, places, and events related to the history and culture of Mexico and the countries of Central America, the Caribbean, and South America; arranged alphabetically throughout five volumes, and including cross-references.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of Latin American history and culture

Encyclopedia of multiculturalism

Contains 1,438 alphabetically arranged articles that provide information on people, places, concepts, events, laws, and organizations that have shaped multiculturalism in the United States, and includes cross-references, a time line, a resource list, and other research aids.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of multiculturalism

Racial & ethnic relations in America, volume 3

A three volume set that discusses the history of race relations in America, and provides new insight into racial relations and tensions seen in our cities, in the media, and on the minds of Americans today.

Racial & ethnic relations in America, volume 2

A three volume set that discusses the history of race relations in America, and provides new insight into racial relations and tensions seen in our cities, in the media, and on the minds of Americans today.

Gale encyclopedia of U.S. economic history

"The Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History is an accessible 'one-stop' resource that offers comprehensive coverage of American economic history from the arrival of Europeans to the present. Topics selected for inclusion by our distinguished board of 5 advisors have been chosen to support most textbooks on American history; this work should be a useful tool for juniors and seniors in high school, as well as college students who are beginning an investigation of the subject. The 1,000 alphabetically arranged entries range from one paragraph to several pages in length, and cover such things as company and industry profiles, biographies of important figures, key events and movements, critical issues in U.S. economic history, state and regional profiles, and the major eras in American economic development. Additional features include sidebars, primary source text excerpts, and entry-specific lists of further reading"--From the publisher's web site.


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