Holabird, Katharine

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Angelina on stage

When Cousin Henry gets all the attention in the grown-up musical in which they have roles, Angelina becomes jealous, but she demonstrates her fondness for him when a crisis occurs on opening night.

Angelina ice skates

Angelina and some other mice are preparing for a New Year's Eve ice skating show, but the hockey players keep getting in the way until Angelina gets them involved.

The silver locket

Angelina learns an important lesson when she borrows her mother's precious silver locket without permission and loses it at Miss Lilly's party.

The Shining Star Trophy

Angelina is determined to win the big prize at the Camembert Academy talent show, but when she spends too much time helping her friends practice their routine, she does not have enough time to pull together her own act for the show.

A dance of friendship

Angelina insists she wants Anya, a mouseling visiting from Dacovia for the summer, to stay at her house and share her room, but Angelina's feelings change when Anya begins getting too much attention.

Angelina's spring fling

Angelina and her friends can't wait for spring, so they decide to make it feel like spring inside Angelina's house.

Angelina's silly little sister

Polly always seems to get in the way when Angelina and Alice want to play alone, so they agree to play hide-and-seek with her but then leave her in her hiding place while they play inside.

Angelina's new school

Angelina's friends at her new school, Camembert Academy, enjoy different types of dance and Angelina is the only one who wants to study ballet.

Angelina's new partner

Angelina and her friends love the new student in their dance class, a hip-hop dancing mouse named A.Z., but when it is time to partner up for the ballet, everyone wonders if A.Z. will have what it takes to keep up.

Angelina's birthday

When returning from picking out decorations for her birthday party, Angelina accidentally damages her old bicycle beyond repair and soon begins doing odd jobs to earn money for a new one.


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