information technology

Topical Term
information technology

The information revolution

opposing viewpoints
A collection of twenty-two essays which presents opposing opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of the information revolution, considering its effects on education, work, and society, and discussing the issues of Web content, privacy rights, and copyright protections.

Guided inquiry

learning in the 21st century
Presents an integrated approach to teaching curriculum content, information literacy, and strategies for learning.

The magic mouse dictionary of computers and information technology

Defines basic terminology related to computers and introduces some of their uses, including accessing the World Wide Web.

You are not a gadget

a manifesto
Examines the cultural and technical problems that are a result of poorly planned digital designs and argues the technological and Internet advances are allowing the wisdom of computers and large groups to become more powerful than individual judgment and intelligence.


understanding our obsession with technology and overcoming its hold on us
Psychology of technology expert Dr. Larry Rosen explains Internet addiction and the compulsive need to check in with technology and offers strategies to help overcome the obsession while still making use of technology.

How are online activities affecting society?

With the proliferation of laptop computers, smartphones, and similar devices most people in the developed world perform myriad activities online every day, unable to escape this aspect of modern culture. Examine the effects of online activities on society.

Everything is miscellaneous

the power of the new digital disorder
Explores how the digital revolution has influenced how humans view and understand their lives, describing the many aspects of life that are being redefined by computers, GPS, the Internet, MP3s, and other digital data forms.

The information age

Contains over thirty essays in which the authors discuss issues related to the information age, discussing its effects on society and the economy, the government's role in regulation, and possible future uses of information technology.

The information revolution

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-four essays which provide opposing opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of the information revolution, discussing its effects on society, education, and the rights to privacy, property, and free speech.

The master switch

the rise and fall of information empires
An examination of the history of telecommunications that explains how new mediums become the object of industrial consolidation and theorizes how the Internet will be affected by corporate control.


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