
Topical Term

King Arthur and the knights of the round table

stories of Camelot and the quest for the Holy Grail
"... examines the fact and the fiction behind Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin, Guinevere, Galahad, among others, as well as the quest for the Holy Grail. Beginning in the 12th century, the book explores what factual basis there is for the tales and how the characters, stories and motifs developed through histories, epic poems and prose tellings. The book also charts the revived interest in Arthurian romance in the 19th century and considers how the tales still hold the popular imagination today."--Dust jacket.

King Lear

the Alexander text
Presents the complete text to William Shakespeare's play "King Lear," in which King Lear divides his kingdom among two of his daughters, and banishes the third.

King Lear

A vain king leaves his land to his two least loving daughters and pays a terrible price.


Arthur must fight twin forces of evil to save his cherished dream, the Kingdom of Summer, and earn the name, Pendragon.


After being miraculously healed by the Holy Grail, Arthur builds a shrine where anyone who would benefit from its healing powers could come to be cured. Soon after, it is stolen by an evil infiltrator in his court so Arthur and his Dragon Flight pursue the relic through realms of magic and the undead.

The complete King Arthur

many faces, one hero
"A comprehensive examination of the historical and mythological evidence for every major theory about King Arthur"--Provided by publisher.

The tragedy of King Lear

Presents an annotated copy of William Shakespeare's 'The tragedy of King Lear.'.

The mists of Avalon

A re-creation of the Arthurian legend following the clash between Christianity and paganism that led to the demise of Camelot.
Cover image of The mists of Avalon

King Lear

Presents the complete text to William Shakespeare's play "King Lear" with an easy-to-understand translation on facing pages, helping students better understand the work and its meaning.

The tragedy of King Lear

A fully annotated critical edition of "King Lear" that includes a comprehensive account of Shakespeare's sources and influences, a detailed reading of the action, and a stage history of the major productions.
Cover image of The tragedy of King Lear


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