
Topical Term

The chronicles of Arthur

sword of fire and ice
A graphic novel adaptation of the Arthurian legend that depicts King Arthur as a teenager.
Cover image of The chronicles of Arthur

King Lear

Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, with marginal notes and explanations and full descriptions of each character.

The tragedy of King Lear

A foolish king divides his land between two ungrateful daughters who are plotting against him and disinherits his favorite for speaking up to him.

The legend of King Arthur

"An exploration of the questions and mysteries that have puzzled scholars and experts about the legends of King Arthur, the Roundtable, and his knights. Features include a map, fact boxes, biographies of famous experts on Arthurian legend, places to see and visit, a glossary, further readings, and index"--.

King Arthur

Presents what is known of the legendary, possibly apocryphal, ancient British ruler known as King Arthur, whose noble character and tragic life story have inspired one of the world's richest and most enduring literary traditions.
Cover image of King Arthur

The fall of Arthur

J.R.R. Tolkien's narrative poem, which tells the extraordinary story of the final days of England's legendary hero, King Arthur.

King Lear

a play
When an aging, senile king attempts to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, he begins a power struggle that tears his kingdom apart and results in the deaths of those closest to him.


Arthur, High King and Pendragon of the Island of the Mighty, prevails against barbarian troops and peace reigns for a short time until a deadly trap is set by the sorceress Morgian.

The tragedy of King Lear

with new and updated critical essays and a revised bibliography
Contains the text of the play in which a foolish king divides his land between two ungrateful daughters, an overview of Shakespeare's life, an introduction to the play, and dramatic criticisms.


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