Between 1976 and 2013, 1,329 defendants have been executed under the death penalty in the United States. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines What Are the Origins of the Death Penalty Controversy?.
Racism is the belief that people of a certain race or ethnicity are superior or inferior to others, and the severity of the problem today is often a topic of debate.
A Gallup poll reported in September 2013 that 80 percent of Americans blamed mass shootings on a failure of the mental health system to identify individuals who are a danger to others. Through objective discussion, numerous quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines What Are the Origins of Concerns About Mental Illness and Crime?.
Discusses illegal immigration, including the origins of the problem, efforts to seal the borders, attempts by state and local governments to discourage immigrants, approaches to similar problems in Europe, and citizenship questions.
An overview of the gun control controversy and provides articles on both sides of the gun control issue, discussing such topics as constitutionality, the effectiveness of guns as a means of self-defense, and reducing gun-related violence.
Examines the history of the illegal immigration controversy, discussing how illegal immigrants affect the American economy and culture; and also discusses increased crime, government responsibilities, and related topics.
Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines the question, should vaccinations for youth be mandatory?.
Explores the current controversy over the use of fossil fuels as the world's main source of energy production and considers whether renewable sources of energy, such as biomass and wind power, can ever replace our dependence on fossil fuels. Considers which possibilities should guide the future of renewable energy research and includes full-color photographs and further reading sources.