In controversy

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How does violent media affect youth?

The horror of mass shootings leads, inevitably, to renewed debate over the causes of such violence particularly in the context of youth. Studies on the effects of violent media on young people have had mixed results.

Is online addiction a serious problem?

Some experts estimate that 5 to 10 percent of Internet users suffer from some form of online addiction to varying degrees, while others believe that excessive Internet use should not be called an addiction.

Should abortion be legal?

Experts estimate that approximately 1.2 million abortions occur in the United States annually. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines abortions.

How serious a problem is computer hacking?

An exploration of controversies related to computer hacking that discusses the origins of the problem of hacking; provides varying perspectives on how hacking causes harm to individuals, businesses, and countries, and discusses whether legislation to prevent hacking is economically and politically feasible.

Should smoking be banned?

Nearly 50 years after the US surgeon general linked smoking with cancer, heart disease and other deadly illnesses, more than 20 percent of the American population continues to smoke. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines the issue.

Should juveniles be tried as adults?

Discusses the controversies surrounding juveniles being tried as adults.

Is human embryo experimentation ethical?

Discusses the moral and ethical aspects of human embryo experimentation.

Identity theft

Identity theft is one of the most common crimes in the world today, in large part because it's so easy to do. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes and full-color illustrations, this title examines the issue.

How serious a threat are online predators?

Experts disagree on just how likely it is for individuals to be victimized by sexual or financial predators online. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines the issue.


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