activity programs

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activity programs

Springboards to inquiry

50 standards-based lessons for k-5
Collects fifty standards-based lessons for elementary grades that weave reading together with curriculum goals and inquiry-based learning.

Great World War II projects

you can build yourself
"Learn some hands-on history! ... Build planes, signal lights, victory gardens and more"--Cover.
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Junkyard science

20 projects and experiments about junk, garbage, waste, things we don't need any more, and ways to recycle or reuse it -- or lose it
Shares informative scientific facts about everyday garbage, from the waste produced in a school cafeteria and the decomposition rates of trash bags to the cost-effectiveness of rechargeable batteries and ways to use garbage for science-fair experiments.

Murder mystery, graphic novels, and more

innovative programs for engaging teens in your library
"This book offers step-by-step details on how to plan and execute library workshops and programs to inspire creativity in teens"--Provided by publisher.
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Breaking into breakout boxes

escape rooms in education
Escape rooms have become a major trend all over the country. The concept is simple: a group of people are trapped in a room and must solve a series of puzzles to find their way out. In Breaking into Breakout Boxes, educator Holly Johnson takes the same basic concept and applies it to the classroom. Breakout boxes are locked boxes the teacher provides. The entire class works together to discover the combination to the box. The combination can be gleaned from clues related to any number of education subjects. In this new guide, Johnson covers : how to build your box, how to write your own clues for the box, how to manage your classroom during the activity, what to place inside the box, what to do if the students do not solve the box in time, how to perform a "debriefing" after completing the exercise, and how to tailor your box to different content areas and learning styles. Breakout boxes can teach students the importance of problem-solving, working together, and perseverance in the face of any challenge. Through this fun activity, children will acquire skills that will help them for the rest of their lives!.
Cover image of Breaking into breakout boxes

50+ fandom programs

planning festivals and events for tweens, teens, and adults
A guide to library programs for fans who are passionate about genres, characters, games, and book series, covering how to host an event, suggesting age ranges, offering programming ideas, and providing tips on how to keep up with popular culture.
Cover image of 50+ fandom programs

Nature's patchwork quilt

understanding habitats
Like a quilt, each habitat in nature is composed of many interdependent pieces that form grand patterns and webs. The text introduces numerous key concepts in natural science, and the back material offers activities and ideas for teaching.
Cover image of Nature's patchwork quilt

Career programming for today's teens

exploring nontraditional and vocational alternatives
"Provide library staff and administration with examples and best practices for career programming for teens, including career readiness workshops and an annual trade school fair"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Career programming for today's teens


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