activity programs

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activity programs

More ramped-up read alouds

building knowledge and boosting comprehension
"In More Ramped-Up Read Alouds, educators will discover practical ideas for ramping up interactive read alouds to increase learners' language comprehension and build their knowledge about a wide variety of topics. The introduction details research-proven reasons that reading aloud is essential for literacy learners and shares success factors for creating engaging read-aloud experiences. With that foundational knowledge in place, readers will be able to choose from 50 read-aloud experiences, fully detailed and carefully designed to enrich and extend literacy instruction in grades K-5"--Provided by publisher.


remaking your play and STEAM early learning areas
Presents suggestions, samples, and photographs for makerspaces accessible to young children ages two to eight.

The animal adventurer's guide

how to prowl for an owl, make snail slime, and catch a frog bare-handed - 50 activities to get wild with animals
"With 50 interactive activities that include talking like a chickadee, learning to sniff like a snake, and making your own fossils-this is your guide to having fun-filled adventures that will bring you up close and personal with the wild creatures right outside your door. Learn how to: Hum to a snail and watch it peek out at you Turn your flashlight into a night vision light so you can spy on nocturnal animals Start your very own animal scat collection and impress your friends Catch a frog with your bare hands Build a wildlife blind and become invisible to the animals around you Find snake skins, insect skeletons, animal feeding signs, bird feathers, and more Create a wild guide to your own backyard Take handy field notes on the secret lives of animals Go on fun scavenger hunts for things like dens, fur, nests, and even poop (or scat)"--.

Rightfully ours

how women won the vote : 21 activities
Describes the century-long struggle for women's suffrage in the United States, a movement that began alongside the abolitionist cause and continued through the ratification of the 19th amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment that granted women the right to vote.

Teaching Banned Books

32 Guides for Children and Teens
"The book expands [on the first edition] . . . to include more titles and more genres (such as graphic novels and nonfiction)"--Provided by publisher.

At the library

From books to puppet shows, from author signings to computer research and from special collections to very important rules, readers learn about libraries and the value of reading, sharing, and community in this book.

Learning centers for school libraries

"Learning Centers for School Libraries contains detailed, step-by-step instructions and reproducible templates for over 20 learning centers"--Provided by publisher.

Book club reboot

71 creative twists
Presents seventy-one creative ideas for community book clubs based on an online survey completed by library professionals and others as well as research by the authors.

Pairing STEAM with stories

46 hands-on activities for children
"This book provides 46 hands-on STEAM activities that librarians and museum educators can implement"--Provided by publisher.

Liven up your library

design engaging and inclusive programs for tweens and teens
"Developing programs for learners can be an ongoing challenge for librarians - especially first-year librarians. Current books on the topic primarily focus on makerspaces or read alouds, and are aimed at elementary school grades, with a surface-level approach. This book addresses deeper issues that librarians face, while illustrating how to serve teens and tweens specifically by offering programming relevant to their lives. The authors offer practical ideas for developing effective programming through collaborating with the community to develop and implement programs, connecting programs to ISTE Standards and curriculum, and addressing curricular and socio-emotional needs. They also share practical advice on budgeting and funding to support programs, scheduling, maximizing the use of technology to aid in programming and much more. The book also explores ways library programs can have a positive impact on school culture, such as addressing the digital divide, inclusion and cultural relevance"--.


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