henry viii, 1509-1547

Geographic Name
henry viii, 1509-1547

The other Boleyn girl

a novel
Mary Boleyn comes to the court of King Henry VIII, where she falls for the dashing king, and begins to enjoy her growing role as unofficial queen, however, she soon realizes she is merely a pawn in her family's ambitious plots as the king's interest begins to turn towards her best friend and rival, her sister, Anne.


In 1539, Kitty Tylney and her best friend Cat Howard--the audacious, self-proclaimed "Queen of Misrule"--both servants to the Duchess of Norfolk, move to the court of King Henry VIII, who fancies Cat, and when Cat becomes queen, Kitty must learn to navigate the complexities and dangers of the royal court.

My lady of Cleves

a novel of Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves
A fictional account of Tudor England, centering on the life of Henry VIII's fourth wife, Anne of Cleves.

Wolf Hall

a novel
Henry VIII, anxious about the consequences of dying without a male heir, is denied permission to annul his marriage of twenty years and marry Anne Boleyn, but the power struggle between the Church and the Crown is mediated by astute politician Thomas Cromwell, who manages to get the king what he wants while keeping his eye on the prize of a free England.

A man for all seasons

Sir Thomas More opposes King Henry VIII's attempt to take control of the church in England even though his stand will lead to his execution for treason.

A man for all seasons

Sir Thomas More opposes King Henry VIII's attempt to take control of the church in England even though his stand will lead to his execution for treason.

Elizabeth I

red rose of the House of Tudor
Princess Elizabeth, the eleven-year-old daughter of King Henry VIII, struggles to reconcile her desire for her father's affection with the fact that he had her mother beheaded.

Blood royal

a novel

The mistresses of Henry VIII

Examines the lives and influence of the twelve women who served as mistresses to England's King Henry VIII in the sixteenth century.


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