henry viii, 1509-1547

Geographic Name
henry viii, 1509-1547

The white rose murders

being the first journal of Sir Roger Shallot concerning certain wicked ...

The Cardinal and the Secretary

Thomas Wolsey and Thomas Cromwell

Great Harry

Chronicles the life of Henry VIII, king of England from 1509 to 1547, providing context on the Tudor world.


King Henry VIII's interest in Anne Boleyn could give her an opportunity to make a real impact in a world with few choices for women, but when poet Thomas Wyatt reveals he's fallen for her, Anne must choose between true love and the chance to make history.

Secrets of the Tudor Court

When young Mary Howard receives the news that she will be leaving her home for the grand court of King Henry VIII, to attend his mistress, Anne Boleyn, she is ecstatic. Mary is certain Anne will one day become Queen. Then she discovers that she is a pawn in a carefully orchestrated plot devised by her father, the Duke of Norfolk, and Mary dare not disobey him. When she becomes betrothed to Harry Fitzroy, the Duke of Richmond and son to King Henry VIII, Mary finally finds the love and approval she's been seeking but just when she thinks she is finally free of her father, the tides turn. Now Mary must learn to play her part well in a dangerous chess game that could change her life - and the course of history.

Rivals in the Tudor court

As maid to the Queen of England, Catherine of Aragon, and daughter of the Duke of Buckingham, the future seems bright for Elizabeth Stafford. But when her father gives her hand to Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, the spirited young woman must sacrifice all for duty. For years, Elizabeth and Bess Holland, Norfolk's mistress, compete for his affections. But they are mere spectators to an obsession neither can rival: Norfolk's quest to weave the Howard name into the royal bloodline. The women's loyalties are tested as his schemes unfold--among them the litigious marriage of his niece, Anne Boleyn, to King Henry the VIII. But in an age of ruthless beheadings, both women discover there are other things to fight besides each other.

Anne Boleyn

a new life of England's tragic queen
Contradicts the unsavory reports of Anne Boleyn that have come down through history. Anne was actually highly literate, accomplished, and devout defender of her Protestant faith.

Henry VIII

Presents a biography of England's King Henry VIII, discussing his royal childhood, his marriages, and his actions as a ruler.

The last days of Henry VIII

conspiracies, treason and heresy at the court of the dying tyrant
Presents a comprehensive examination of the reign of King Henry VIII describing his tyranny, his six wives, his heirs, and the conspiracies, betrayals, and intrigue that made up his thirty-five years in power.

The Boleyn inheritance

The story of three of Henry VIII's six wives; Catharine of Aragon, Anne of Cleves, and Jane Seymour, whose positions as Queen of England brought them wealth and notoriety as well as deceit and betrayal.


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