cognition in children

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cognition in children

The pink book

what to do when you're confused
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the confused feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The Pink Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers whose confused pink shines brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.

The power of making thinking visible

practices to engage and empower all learners
"Making thinking visible is the idea that learning is about making connections between topics, concepts, and activities rather than steps, assignments, and testing. The power of developing thinking routines is the positive impact they have on student engagement and learning. A thinking routine is the pattern by which we operate and go about the job of learning and working together in a classroom environment. . . . the author has been working with colleagues at Project Zero, a research group founded within the Harvard Graduate School of Education, to develop and trial new thinking routines to facility student engagement and learning. The result of that research is a new book that focuses on the power that thinking routines can bring to learning"--Provided by publisher.

A mind at a time

Shows parents how to identify their children's strengths and weaknesses to determine their individual learning styles and help them succeed in school. Discusses eight fundamental systems of learning.
Cover image of A mind at a time

Cognitive coaching : Syllabus

a foundation for renaissance schools.

Teaching that changes lives

12 mindset tools for igniting the love of learning
"Building on the success of her classic, bestselling book, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life (over 100,000 copies sold), Marilee Adams shows in this new book how teachers and other education professionals can change their own and their students' lives by developing an active, inquiring mindset and igniting a lifelong love of learning"--Provided by publisher.

A Piaget primer

how a child thinks

Understanding Piaget

an introduction to children's cognitive development


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