cognition in children

Topical Term
cognition in children

If the shoe fits...

how to develop multiple intelligences in the classroom
Explains Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, and demonstrates a variety of ways to understand and implement the theory in the classroom, featuring lesson examples for each intelligence, including verbal/linguistic, musical/rhythmic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

Marching to different drummers

Provides information for educators about differences in learning and teaching styles, features examples of style, and offers advice on how best to respond to diversity in the classroom.

Cognitive development

Discusses the nature of developmental change from conception to adulthood, considers the most important theories of cognitive development, and examines the methods developed to measure congnitive abilities in young children.

Getting to "got it!"

helping struggling students learn how to learn
Offers advice to teachers on how to identify and address underlying impediments to learning and help students enhance their learning capabilities through the development of comparative thinking cognitive structures.

Discovering & exploring habits of mind

Identifies and describes sixteen habits of thought displayed by intelligent people in response to problems, including persisting, listening with understanding and empathy, thinking flexibly, striving for accuracy, applying past knowledge, and finding humor.

Cognitive Coaching

a foundation for renaissance schools
Describes the sources and benefits of Cognitive Coaching, a model for the enhancement of professional performance and school renewal, looks at three key sources of teaching excellence, examines the coaching map of pacing and leading, and provides examples of how the ideals of Cognitive Coaching can be embedded in school curriculum, culture, policies, and practices.

In search of understanding

the case for constructivist classrooms

Developing minds

a resource book for teaching thinking
A resource guide for educators who influence decisions on curriculum and instruction, featuring over eighty articles that explore issues related to the teaching of thinking skills, discussing reasons, strategies, assessment, the role of technology, and other topics.

A mind at a time

Shows parents how to identify their children's strengths and weaknesses to determine their individual learning styles and help them succeed in school. Discusses eight fundamental systems of learning.

The growth of the mind

and the endangered origins of intelligence
Explores the idea that intelligence is influenced more by specific early emotional experiences rather than heredity and discusses the implications of this theory on child development, science, and learning.


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