smoothies (beverages)

Topical Term
smoothies (beverages)

Superfood smoothies

100 delicious, energizing & nutrient-dense recipes
"Everyone loves smoothies and this is the ultimate smoothie book, written by Julie Morris, author of Superfood Kitchen and a superfood expert! Morris whips up 100 nutrient-rich recipes using the world's most antioxidant-, vitamin- and mineral-packed foods, and offers innovative culinary methods for making your smoothies incredibly nutritious and delicious. Whether you're looking for an energy boost, seeking a gentle cleanse, or just trying to get healthy, you'll be inspired to power up the blender!"--.

The ultimate smoothie book

101 delicious recipes for blender drinks, frozen desserts, shakes, and more!
Presents over one hundred recipes for smoothies, including blender drinks, fozen desserts, shakes, and other drinks for health and healing, weight-loss, pick-me-ups, and plain enjoyment.

Cool smoothies

fast, fun, frozen treats

Way cool drinks

Learn to make delicious fruit drinks and smoothies that not only taste good, but can be good for you, too! Each recipe includes a healthy tip as well as an ingredients and tools list and easy, step-by-step instructions for making fun and nutritious beverages.

Slurpable smoothies and drinks

Easy-to-follow recipes for smoothies and drinks, with drawings of important steps and photographs of the finished dishes. Includes an equipment list, techniques, safety tips, and more.


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