
Topical Term

Multicultural picturebooks

art for illuminating our world
Profiles picture books for students in kindergarten through fourth grade that can introduce students to multiculturalism and its impact on society.

ABC books and activities

from preschool to high school
An in-depth analysis of alphabet books, arranged thematically and listing 542 titles with short annotations, suggested activities, and essays on each classification such as animals, rhyme, science, and pop culture.

Leading kids to books through crafts

Presents ideas for programs that inspire children to read by giving them the opportunity to make quick and inexpensive take-home craft projects related to poems and stories; and includes instructions for a selection of general crafts, as well as suggestions for related reading.

Scary stories you won't be afraid to use

resources and activities for a K-6 audience
Offers tips for librarians to consider when purchasing and presenting scary stories for the kindergarten through sixth-grade audience, with lesson plans and activities, an annotated list of resources, and highlights of selected stories.

Science for children

resources for teachers
Bibliographies for hands-on elementary science teaching--curriculum materials, supplementary resources, and sources of information and assistance.

Popular series fiction for K-6 readers

a reading and selection guide
Contains annotated listings for 1,200 of the most popular fiction series for children, each with information on the author, publisher, date of publication, grade level, genre, and a list of titles; arranged alphabetically by series name.


a core collection for young reluctant readers
An annotated list of 239 books, including popular and lesser known titles, designed to help librarians build a comprehensive collection for young, reluctant readers.

Guide to collective biographies for children and young adults

Contains an alphabetical listing of 721 collective biographies for children and young adults published between 1988 and 2002, each with full bibliographic information and letter code; features a roster of the more than five thousand individuals profiled in the books, including the letter code of the book in which they appear; and provides a listing of biographees by subject.

American song

the complete musical theatre companion
Includes data on over 4,800 American musicals produced on Broadway, off-Broadway, and in a number of other venues from 1877 to the fall of 1995, arranged alphabetically by title, and including a complete index to more than 70,000 songs and more than 27,000 personnel, and a chronological listing of productions.

Anatomy of wonder 4

a critical guide to science fiction
A guide to science fiction resources, including books, films, comics, and magazines. Includes chapters on research library collections, general reference works, and on teaching science fiction.


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