
Topical Term

Storytime action!

2,000+ ideas for making 500 picture books interactive
Shares over two thousand ideas for making five hundred pictures books interactive, showing how elements from the story are turned into activities for children, and includes instructions for creating songs, games, rhymes, plays, and other activities to complement any book.

Series-ly celebrating

book parties for popular children's series
Provides center-piece activities for reader promotion programs and celebratory events based on popular children's series.

The Columbia Granger's guide to poetry anthologies

Reference guide to poetry anthologies with descriptions and evaluations of each anthology.

The Dr. Seuss catalog

an annotated guide to works by Theodor Geisel in all media, writings about him, and appearances of characters and places in the books, stories, and films
Presents a comprehensive, chronologically arranged bibliography of the written work of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. 'Includes annotations.

Using government documents

a how-to-do it manual for school librarians
Guide for librarians selecting, ordering, and using government documents.

The children's literature lover's book of lists

Provides teachers, parents, and librarians with lists of titles for students in preschool through grade six, organized by grade level, theme, and content areas.

Choosing books for kids

choosing the right book for the right child at the right time
Reviews over 1,500 titles.

The ultimate scene and monologue sourcebook

an actor's guide to over 1,000 monologues and scenes from more than 300 contemporary plays
A guide to over one thousand scenes and monologues for actors, featuring an alphabetical listing of three hundred plays, each with a synopsis, an analysis, and a listing of scenes and monologues; and including entries on individual audition pieces, grouped in six categories.

Best seller

a nostalgic celebration of the less-than-great books you have always been afraid to admit you loved

The Holocaust in literature for youth

a guide and resource book
Contains annotated listings of books about the Holocaust for children and young adults, including anthologies, autobiography and biography, drama, fiction, nonfiction, picture books, poetry and songs, and reference; and features a list of works pertaining to themes and other acts of genocide and related historical events.


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