Street urchin ShaoSu is befriended by Hok and Ying and feels he has finally found a new family, until he learns his new friends are two of China's most wanted criminals and their actions will place ShaoSu's life, and the future of China, in danger.
A mafia banker with access to a large number of criminal accounts is willing to give evidence in exchange for help retiring from the mob, but when spy John Chase assists him, he puts his fifteen-year-old twins, Rich and Jade, in the line of fire.
As a sophomore at a secret spy school and the daughter of a former CIA operative, Cammie is sheltered from "normal teenage life" until she meets a local boy while on a class surveillance mission.
Teenage James Bond is on the case when a professor is kidnapped in a north London cemetery, and an encoded letter arrives which, once deciphered, leaves James with just forty-eight hours to rescue the captured scholar and save the world.
As the Battle of Yorktown and the end of the Revolutionary War near, fourteen-year-old Nate Chandler and his dog, Rex, join James Armistead Lafayette, a slave, in becoming spies for the Continental Army.
Headstrong Rachel Buchanan and her friends sneak away from Blackthorn Academy and set out to find a mysterious artifact before it falls into the hands of her nemesis, Simon Blankenship, a journey that takes them to the volcanic shores of Hawaii.
Eleven-year-old Australians, Max and Linden, newly minted members of Spy Force, are assigned to go to London and foil Mr. Blue's latest scheme of using food to turn the world's children into zombies.
Presents a short biography of American patriot Nathan Hale written in graphic novel format, and focuses on his life as a soldier, leader, war hero, and American spy.