"Teenage hacker Emika Chen embarks on a mission to unravel a sinister plot and is forced to join forces with a shadowy organization known as the Blackcoats"--Provided by publisher.
Young secret agent Amelia investigates three new cases, involving an evil genius who makes dogs howl, a sneaky science teacher who buys too much cereal, and a psychotic criminal picking the pockets of toy shoppers.
In 1918, caring for her family's homing pigeons while her father is away fighting in World War I, twelve-year-old Pam comes to suspect that a mysterious stranger in her small North Carolina town is a German spy.
After being told that his father was an assassin for a criminal organization, fourteen-year-old Alex goes to Italy to find out more and becomes involved in a plan to kill thousands of English schoolchildren.
Fourteen-year-old Hannah, an orphan indentured to the family of a British general in Boston in 1775, begins attending secret meetings diguised as a boy, then passing messages and warnings to the revolutionaries using her beloved horse, Promise.
Lindsay Moran tells about her experiences trying to win a job with the Central Intelligence Agency, shares stories from her five years at the CIA as a case worker, and discusses her decision to quit.