When Dr. Laura Regan, head of the National Center for Infectious Disease, is framed for her research partner's death, she teams up with rogue federal agents to expose the sinister plot that will impact the lives of every American.
Cammie arrives at her friend Macey's hotel for the Democratic National Convention, where Macey's father will receive the vice presidential nomination, and thinks she's in for an exciting end to her summer.
Twelve-year-old Ben leaves his public middle school to attend the CIA's highly secretive Espionage Academy, which everyone is told is an elite science school.
In 1776, after witnessing the execution of Nathan Hale in New York City by the British army, young Sophia resolves to do all she can to help the American cause, including becoming a spy.
Led by Duncan "Gluestick" Dewey, the NERDS team uses brain power and courage rather than gadgets when they face off against supervillian Simon, his band of savage squirrels, and Albert, a middle-aged computer genius who lives with his mother.
Fifteen-year-old Freedom Smith is a fighter, just like all of his relatives who have the "Hercules gene, " which leads him to a choice between being jailed for attempted murder or working with a covert law enforcement agency to break up a mysterious, illegal fight ring.
As the hero of this graphic novel whose top-secret mission is to follow an international trail of spies and foil the plans of an evil mastermind, the reader's choices determine the outcome of the story.
Michael K., Venus, TJ, and the SPHDZ continue to try to get kids to sign up for the Spaceheadz, but Agent Umber of the Anti-Alien Agency does not back down and the identity of the leader of Spaceheadz surprises everyone.