crime prevention

Topical Term
crime prevention

Crime and criminals

opposing viewpoints
Contains selections from magazine articles, speeches, books, and other sources examining the issue of crime and criminals in the United States.

Violence in America

opposing viewpoints
Various authors debate the causes of violence, the prevalance of family and teen violence, the motivation of serial killers, and ways to reduce violence.

See Sally kick ass

a woman's guide to personal safety
With over 650 helpful suggestions and 130 illustrations to incorporate into everyday life, this is the girl's answer on how to be safe in today's world. Advocating incident prevention first and foremost, sometimes things happen anyway and therefore teaches self-defense techniques that are direct and highly effective. The illustrations show how to defend yourself and how to stop an attacker in his tracks. While appropriate for women of all ages, teenage girls will find the information particularly useful. Covers both physical and psychological abuse.

Courageous crimefighters

Highlights the lives of seven famous detectives, including Allen Pinkerton, Eliot Ness, and Simon Wiesenthal.


Contains six essays that present opposing viewpoints on aspects of prisons in the U.S.; cause-and-effect model essays and writing exercises; a fact list; a guide to creating an MLA-style works cited list; sample essay topics; and an annotated list of organizations to contact.

Forgeries, fingerprints, and forensics

A basic introduction to the many ways in which police and detectives use science to fight crime, discussing video surveillance, burglar alarms, ballistics, autopsies, handwriting analysis, and other methods.

Crime and criminals

Contains selections from magazine articles, speeches, books, and other sources examining the issue of crime and criminals in the United States.

From crime

Describes different safety measures to prevent crimes including never talk to strangers, always walk with a friend, and know what is a good touch and what is a bad touch from an adult.

Gun control and violence

Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, this title examines "Do Americans have a constitutional right to own guns?", "Should there be more restrictions on who can purchase and carry guns?", "Should certain types of guns and ammunition be banned?" and "Can stronger gun control measures prevent mass shootings?".


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