united states

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united states

Recognizing media bias and disinformation

It can be hard to know what to believe, especially when what looks or sounds like a legitimate news story is tainted with bias and opinion or is riddled with flat-out lies and disinformation. Media bias and disinformation are two different things, but they often share the same purpose: to manipulate how members of the public think and act rather than allow people to make up their own minds based solely on the facts.

Being woke

social awareness or political overcorrection?
Explores the tensions between people working to become more aware of social inequality and other issues, and people who believe this can become a misguided effort that undermines traditional society. It will describe what the term "woke" means, its evolving (and politicized) meaning, and examples of how "being woke" has manifested in recent culture.

The great air race

glory, tragedy, and the dawn of American aviation
Reclaiming one of the most important moments in American aviation history, this incredible, untold story recounts the transcontinental air race of October 1919, which riveted a nation as the aviators pioneered the first coast-to-coast air route, despite much drama and tragedy.

The orphans of Davenport

eugenics, the Great Depression, and the war over children's intelligence
"The fascinating--and eerily timely--tale of the forgotten Depression-era psychologists who launched the modern science of childhood development"--Amazon.

You could make this place beautiful

a memoir
The award-winning poet explores the disintegration of her marriage and her renewed commitment to herself, interweaving snapshots of a life with meditations on secrets, anger, forgiveness, and narrative itself and revealing how, in the aftermath of loss, we can discover our power and make something beautiful.

My red, white, and blue

"A story about the mixture of pride and pain that one Black family finds in the American flag, and an invitation for each of us to choose how we relate to America, its history, and the flag that means so many things to so many people"--Provided by publisher.

Infrastructure of America's bridges

A look at eight bridges in the United States and measures taken to make sure they are safe.

American table

the foods, people, and innovations that feed us
"The real story of the 'American table' in a collection of snapshots, stories, and recipes from the pre-colonial era through today, including the people and events that have often been left out"--Provided by publisher.

Who was Jim Thorpe?

"While most athletes excel in just one sport, Jim Thorpe was different. Born in Oklahoma in 1887, he played both professional football and baseball, and ran track and field. Jim was not only a sports icon but also a trailblazer. Raised as part of the Sac and Fox tribal nation, he was the first Native American person to win an Olympic gold medal for the United States. And although his personal life was not always as successful as his career, Jim remains one of the greatest athletes in American history"--Provided by publisher.

Women's suffrage

"Blast back to the past and learn all about the women's suffrage movement . . . Covers everything from the history of women's rights in the U.S. to women's suffrage movements across the world, and more"--Provided by publisher.


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