Urban gardening and farming for teens

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harvest your own honey
Describes how to become a beekeeper, equipment used to harvest honey, and the future of beekeeping.

Community Gardens

Jarring and canning

make your own jams, jellies, pickles, and more
This guide to jarring and canning includes tips on what to do with a variety of fruits and vegetables, from jams to pickles, and has recipes for beginners as well as experienced canners. It provides important tips on safe canning and avoiding contamination as well..


turn food waste into rich soil
This practical guide explains how composting works and how to start composting, including setting up a bin, adding the right mix of ingredients, aerating the pile, and more.

Community gardens

grow your own vegetables and herbs
Describes the community gardening movement, and offers step-by-step directions for planting, growing, and harvesting one's own vegetables and herbs. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further reading.

Raising chickens

harvest your own fresh eggs
Provides information on raising chickens and harvesting fresh eggs.

Community Gardens

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