united states

Geographic Name
united states

Ellis Island

gateway to the American dream
A history of Ellis Island including photographs and personal accounts of immigrants who passed through the gates.

An uncommon soldier

the Civil War letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, alias Private Lyons Wakeman, 153rd Regiment, New York State Volunteers

For cause and comrades

why men fought in the Civil War
Draws from the letters and diaries of men who fought on both sides of the Civil War to examine the reasons why they were willing to risk their lives in the divisive conflict.

Civil War women II

stories by women about women
A collection of eight short fiction stories by a variety of authors, each featuring a heroine who is doing her best to deal with the consequences of the Civil War.

Across the lines

Edward, the son of a white plantation owner, and his black house servant and friend Simon witness the siege of Petersburg during the Civil War.

Spies and spymasters of the Civil War

Covers history of Civil War espionage for the Union and Confederate armies.

Great American events on stage

15 plays to celebrate America's past
Dramatic adaptations of fifteen events in American history, including the American Revolution, the Civil War, and immigration.

Coming to America

a new life in a new land
A look at the lives of Russian, Lithuanian, Italian, Greek, Swedish, and Irish immigrants who passed through Ellis Island around the turn of the twentieth century.

America at the crossroads

great photographs from the thirties
Collection of photographs that document the 1930s in the United States including pictures by Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, Carl Mydans, Marion Post Wolcott, Ben Shahn, George Alexander Grant, Arthur Rostein, John Vachon, and other photographers.


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