united states

Geographic Name
united states

The schoolmasters

Describes what education and the schools were like in colonial times.

Shh! we're writing the Constitution

Describes how the Constitution came to be written and ratified. Also includes the full text of the document produced by the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

Ellis Island

new hope in a new land
Traces the history of Ellis Island and immigration to America and describes the experiences of immigrants arriving in 1907.

How my family lives in America

African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic-American children describe their families' cultural traditions.

Early settler children

An examination of what life was like for children in the early years of the United States, including clothing, expectations of their parents, labor, and poverty.

The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Figg

Homer P. Figg escapes from his wretched foster home in Pine Swamp, Maine, and sets out to find his beloved older brother, Harold, who has been illegally sold into the Union Army.
Cover image of The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Figg

Your travel guide to colonial America

Takes readers on a journey back in time in order to experience life in the American colonies, describing clothing, accommodations, foods, local customs, transportation, a few notable personalities, and more.
Cover image of Your travel guide to colonial America

You wouldn't want to be an American colonist!

a settlement you'd rather not start
Cartoons and facts combine to explain what it was like to be an American colonist in the seventeenth century, discussing the realities of the voyage from England, dealing with Indians, and struggling for survival in the new world.
Cover image of You wouldn't want to be an American colonist!

George Washington, spymaster

how the Americans outspied the British and won the Revolutionary War
Examines how George Washington used espionage during the American Revolutionary War, discussing the Culper Ring, the Sons of Liberty, codes, ciphers, and more. Includes illustrations.
Cover image of George Washington, spymaster

A sampler view of colonial life

Describes the samplers stitched by girls in colonial America and explains what these samplers tell about the lives of their makers. Includes simple projects.
Cover image of A sampler view of colonial life


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