Odgers, Darrel

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The sausage situation

Jack Russell calls for backup when he tries to track down a sausage thief.

The blue stealer

When someone steal humans' special things,Sarge is on the case. Can Jack find the canine criminal and help Sarge catch the human robber too?.

Dog den mystery

Things are going missing in Doggeroo, but when someone steals Jack's squeaker bone and blanket, it gets personal.

The kitten's tale

When Magnus, a kitten without a home, follows a cat named Major Higgins to the Pet Vet Clinic, Tom, a traveling salesman, ends up offering his home to Magnus and Major Higgins.

The buried biscuits

When two boys throw biscuits into Foxie's territory, Jack Russell, Dog Detective, knows something strange is going on.

Jack Russell, dog detective

A collection of stories featuring canine detective Jack Russell and his friends who set out to solve such mysteries as "Dog Den Mystery," "The Phantom Mudder," and "The Mugged Pug.".

Maria's diary

Cranky paws

Trump, a dog who lives behind the Pet Vet clinic and acts as an animal liaison for Dr. Jeanie, tries to come up with a plan to help an abused cat find a new home.


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