Odgers, Darrel

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The sausage situation

Jack Russell calls for backup when he tries to track down a sausage thief.

The kitnapped creature

There's a kitnapper on the loose and he has cat-snatched an old enemy! It could be a case for Jack Russell, Dog Detective, but he has other things on his mind. Foxy is sulking, Sarge is sick, and Preacher, the junior Jack, is in danger. Can Jack spare the time to investigate this case?.

The buried biscuits

When two boys throw biscuits into Foxie's terrior-tory, Jack knows something strange is going on. Why would boys throw away biscuits?.

The awful pawful

When Jack and Foxie return from vacation, they can tell that something is wrong in Doggeroo. It's a case for the dog with the nose that knows, but soon, Jack is hiding under his bed, too.

The lying postman

Jack Russell investigates when the new letter carrier lies about Doggeroo's dogs.

The mugged pug

Shuffle, the pug, gets mugged. Then, when Red's collar is stolen, Jack knows he has a case on his paws.

The phantom mudder

All dogs like mud. All dogs like biscuits. This is a fact. But when mud and biscuits happen at the same time, Jack knows there is skulldoggery in the air. Who is mudding the show dogs of Doggeroo?.

Dog den mystery

When someone steals an old boot, Jack doesn't care. Then someone steals his squeaker bone. And his blanket. And Red's ball. Now Jack DOES care. Who is the thief of Doggeroo?.

The kitnapped creature

Jack Russell, Doggeroo's dog detective, gets to work when Awful Pawful, an old enemy, is kidnapped.

The phantom mudder

Jack Russell:Dog Detective


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