Costa, Arthur L

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Cognitive coaching : Syllabus

a foundation for renaissance schools.

Learning and leading with habits of mind

16 essential characteristics for success
Defines sixteen characteristics believed to help students and teachers overcome various obstacles, discussing persisting, managing impulses, striving for accuracy, taking responsible risks, and other habits and including strategies for activating and promoting them.

Assessing & reporting on habits of mind

Presents strategies and rubrics for assessing several "habits of mind" in students--such as persisting, managing impulsivity, and thinking flexibly--and explains how to teach parents and peer groups to use assessment tools as well as teach students to self-assess.

Integrating & sustaining habits of mind

The fourth in a series of books about sixteen types of intelligent behavior known as habits of mind, describing strategies for integrating habits of mind into the culture and daily life of the school.

Activating & engaging habits of mind

Presents practical advice for using the "habits of mind"--sixteen types of intelligent behavior--in the classroom, including discussion of their application to mathematics, art, foreign language, reading comprehension, and character instruction.

Assessment in the learning organization

shifting the paradigm
Presents nineteen articles by educators on assessment practices inspired by theorists Peter Senge and W. Edwards Deming, which employ systems thinking, team building, shared vision, mental models, and setting milestones that move toward personal mastery.

Discovering & exploring habits of mind

Identifies and describes sixteen habits of thought displayed by intelligent people in response to problems, including persisting, listening with understanding and empathy, thinking flexibly, striving for accuracy, applying past knowledge, and finding humor.


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