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Earth and the sun

The Sun appears larger than other stars because it is so close to Earth. It takes about 500 seconds for the Sun's light to reach Earth. Learn more about the Sun and the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

Earth and the stars

There are billions of trillions of stars in the universe and approximately 9,000 of them can be seen with the naked eye. Learn more about stars and the relationship between the Earth and stars.

Earth and the moon

The Moon is the brightest object seen in the night sky, which is actually light reflected from the Sun. Learn more about the Moon and its relationship with Earth.

The scientific revolution

Explores how the development of new technologies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including theories about gravity and motion, the production of cheaper iron, and the invention of the steam engine, aided in the development of humankind. Includes teacher notes.

Department of Homeland Security

Describes the history of the Department of Homeland Security and how it has evolved, covering what the pressing issues are today and what lies ahead in the near future.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Looks at the government agency known as NASA, also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, covering its founding in 1958 to the controversies and challenges it faces today.

Genetic engineering

Explores the science and fundamental questions surrounding genetic engineering.

Environment and sustainability

Discusses technological advances in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields and how they impact the environment and sustainability.

Land use

Explore the world's views on the topic of land use. Includes teacher notes.

Philosophy, invention, and engineering

Provides information on the lives and contributions of great scientists in the fields of philosophy, invention, and engineering. Includes teacher notes.


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