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The UN Security Council and the center of power

Explores the history and structure of the United Nations Security Council. Includes teacher notes.

The individual and society

Explores the role a person has as an individual and as a part of society, describing how personality and intelligence allow people to communicate and relate to each other and society as a whole, and discussing different types of social interaction and the rules of social engagement. Includes teacher notes.

The history, structure, and reach of the UN

Explores the history and structure of the United Nations. Includes teacher notes.

Employment and workers' rights

"For most of human history, workers had few, if any, rights. [This book] . . . examines the importance of economic liberty and the ways in which employment and workers' rights reinforce equality by guaranteeing opportunity"--Back cover. Includes teacher notes.

Prehistory and classical period

Explores how new technologies, including the cultivation of plants and animals, the use of fire, and the invention of writing, influenced the development of humankind from prehistoric times through the classical period. Includes teacher notes.

Medieval period and the Renaissance

Describes how technological advances in China and the Arab world during the medieval period helped make up for the lack of scientific discovery that took place in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and explores how the Renaissance became a great period of European learning and discovery. Includes teacher notes.

Jefferson Memorial

Covers Thomas Jefferson's achievements, the history and symbolism of the Jefferson Memorial, and its construction, grand opening, and current use.

Places we call home

Simple text and photographs look at different types homes from around the world.

Giving an oral presentation

A brief introduction to preparing and giving an oral presentation.

Finding the right research topic

A brief introduction to choosing a research topic.


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