study guides

study guides

AP computer science principles prep

A preparation guide for AP Computer Science principles exam, including 4 full practice tests.

AP computer science A, 2024

Provides study tools for preparing to take the Advanced Placement computer science A exam, including a study plan, a diagnostic test, test-taking strategies, review questions, and three practice exams with explained answers.

AP computer science principles 2024

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement computer science test, including 3 practise tests.

The official ACT prep guide, 2023-2024

Provides study tools for preparing to take the ACT test, including six ACT tests with the optional writing tests and full explanations of each answer, as well as ideas for boosting your scores on the individual tests and detailed information on the enhanced optional writing test.

SAT study guide premium 2021-2022

"Completely updated to reflect the 2021 exam update, Barron's SAT Study Guide includes everything you need to be prepared for exam day with comprehensive review and practice from experienced educators."


a do-it-yourself study guide
". . . a highly illustrated, . . . field guide that will help kids master the essential skills and lessons of middle school Science. With expert knowledge presented in a bold . . . format . . ., students will learn, explore, and practice terminology, techniques, and tools behind creating and testing hypotheses, ecology, chemistry, and more"--Provided by publisher.

AP English language and composition premium 2024

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement exam in English language and composition, featuring an overview of the test, a diagnostic exam, test-taking strategies, and 8 practice tests with answers.

AP English language and composition premium prep

A study guide for students preparing to take the Advanced Placement English language and composition exam that includes subject reviews, guidance on the multiple-choice questions and essays, sample scored argumentative and expository essays by students, a vocabulary guide, and 8 full-length practice tests with explanations.


A preparation guide to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test.

ASVAB AFQT for dummies

Contains study tools for the Armed Forces Qualification Test portion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery exam, including English and math reviews, study tips, and eight complete practice exams with answers.


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