study guides

study guides

Everything you need to ace biology in one big fat notebook

the complete high school study guide
"Wrapping its arms around a subject that covers everything from life at the molecular level to the entirety of an ecosystem, Biology tackles all the big ideas: biological classification and hierarchy, cell theory, genetics, the human body, evolution, and more. Critical ideas are broken down and clearly explained; doodles illuminate tricky concepts; mnemonics provide memorable shortcuts; and quizzes recap it all"--Provided by publisher.

TASC prep

Provides strategies and two practice tests for taking the TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) test.

AP English language and composition exam premium prep

A study guide for students preparing to take the Advanced Placement English language and composition exam that includes subject reviews, guidance on the multiple-choice questions and essays, sample scored argumentative and expository essays by students, a vocabulary guide, and 7 full-length practice tests with explanations.

AP English language, 2021

A guide to taking the Advanced Placement English Language exam that provides a five-step plan for studying, sample tests based on actual AP exams, and hundreds of tips and strategies for the test.

Total solution for the GED test

Comprehensive GED study guide that includes online diagnostic tests for each subject, comprehensive review, and two full-length practice tests. -- Adapted from back cover.

Conversation starters for Robin DiAngelo's White fragility

Introduces the book "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo, and includes questions about the book and information on the author.

American Sign Language

a comprehensive guide to ASL 1 and 2
A guide to American Sign Language that covers facial grammar; courtesy phrases; vocabulary building; taking classes; the deaf community; numbers; conversational signs; practicing; discussing time; leisure activities; directional verbs and communication; technology; classifiers; organizations; poems and humor; and traveling.

Barron's ACT English, reading, and writing workbook

Provides study tools for preparing to take the English reading and writing portion of the ACT, including full-length assessment and practice tests with answers, drills, exercises, test-taking strategies, practice questions, and subject reviews.
Cover image of Barron's ACT English, reading, and writing workbook

Approaches to learning

a practical guide : teacher book
"IB Skills is an innovative new series of resources for years 4 and 5 of the MYP. These resources aim to: introduce students to key and related concepts that are relevant within and across the subject areas develop interdisciplinary and disciplinary skills that are essential to the understanding of both concepts and subject content help students to understand key features of the MYP-global contexts, approaches to learning (ATL), inquiry and reflection. These practical, subject-specific guides include a wide variety of topics designed to engage and motivate students. Each chapter in the books is designed to deepen conceptual understanding and to allow students to practice the skills that they will need to reach the highest level of the assessment criteria"--Publisher.


prep plus 2020-2021
A guide to preparing for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), featuring a review of the qualifying test and all technical subtests, test-taking strategies, over 1,850 practice questions, and six full-length practice tests with explained answers.


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