child rearing

Topical Term
child rearing

Grandparents as parents

a survival guide for raising a second family
Examines the common problems and the stress associated with grandparents raising their grandchildren including basic information on government aid, custody suits, and special education programs.

Stay-at-home dads

the essential guide to creating the new family
Presents a comprehensive guide for stay-at-home dads, and provides advice on handling finances, creating a business plan, overcoming gender stereotypes, and six top reasons for dads to stay at home.

The stay-at-home parent survival guide

real-life advice from moms, dads, and other experts
Presents a comprehensive survival guide for stay-at-home moms or dads, and provides helpful strategies for indoor and outdoor activities, starting a playgroup and support system, helping with homework, managing time and finances, and more.


the Brazelton way
Presents guidance on discipline for children during the early years, and covers common problems including biting and scratching, bullying, tantrums, sibling rivalry, and more.

The irreducible needs of children

what every child must have to grow, learn, and flourish
Identifies and explores seven basic experiences and types of nurturing the authors agree children must have in order for them, and for society, to grow, learn, and prosper; discussing the needs for ongoing nurturing relationships, physical protection, experiences tailored to individual differences, limits and structure, and others.

Positive discipline

A guide for parents that discusses how to increase communication and understanding with children; includes information on winning cooperation without threatening, deciding if a child's rebellion is normal or excessive, resolving issues from the past, and other related topics.

Discipline from birth to three

how teen parents can prevent and deal with discipline problems with babies and toddlers
Describes for teenage parents how to discipline young children using teaching strategies rather than punishment.

The challenge of toddlers

for teen parents : parenting your child from one to three
Describes for teenage parents the development and special needs of children from one to three and offers advice and comments from many young parents themselves.

Lighting their fires

raising extraordinary kids in a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world
Rafe Esquith draws on his twenty-four-year career as a teacher in Los Angeles to reveal how parents and teachers can help children build character and develop enriching lives that will help them succeed in school and throughout the rest of their lives.

What to expect the first year

A first-year child care manual with information on baby's monthly growth and development, feeding, sleeping habits, illness, and safety.


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