Lionni, Leo.

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In Big book format children learn how a little black fish in a school of red fish figures out a way of protecting them all from their natural enemies.

Tillie and the wall

Unlike the other mice, who are incurious about the wall that has always been part of their world, Tillie is determined to find out what lies on the other side of the wall.

Mouse days

a book of seasons
A group of mice experiences the weather and activities characteristic of each month of the year.

Geraldine, the music mouse

After nibbling an enormous piece of parmesan cheese into the shape of a giant mouse holding a flute, Geraldine hears music for the first time.

I want to stay here

I want to go there! :A flea story
Two fleas, one who loves to travel and one who prefers staying home, decide to go their separate ways.

The alphabet tree

A strong wind blows most of the letters off the alphabet tree and those that remain hide among the branches. Then a bug and a caterpillar come along and teach them how to arrange themselves into words and sentences to form a special message.

Tico and the golden wings

A wingless bird is granted his wish for a pair of golden wings.

Fish is fish

When his friend, the tadpole, becomes a frog and leaves the pond to explore the world, the little fish decides that maybe he doesn't have to remain in the pond either. A fable about a fish who learns from a frog how to be happy just being himself.


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