Lionni, Leo.

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Frederick, the poet mouse, stores up something special for the long cold winter.

Little blue and little yellow

Little blue and its best friend little yellow hug each other so hard they become green.

Inch by inch

To keep from being eaten, an inchworm measures a robin's tail, a flamingo's neck, a toucan's beak, a heron's legs, and a nightingale's song.

Alexander and the wind-up mouse

Alexander, the mouse, makes friends with Willy, a toy mouse, and wants to be just like him until he discovers that Willy is to be thrown away.

A flea story

I want to stay here! : I want to go there!
Two fleas, one who loves to travel and one who prefers staying home, decide to go their separate ways.

The alphabet tree

A strong wind blows most of the letters off the alphabet tree and those that remain hide among the branches. Then a bug and a caterpillar come along and teach them how to arrange themselves into words and sentences to form a special message.


Little Pezzettino is so small he is convinced he must be a piece of somebody else. A wise man helps him discover the truth.

Inch by inch

To keep from being eaten, an inchworm measures a robin's tail, a flamingo's neck, a toucan's beak, a heron's legs, and a nightingale's song.

Six crows

a fable
An owl helps a farmer and some crows reach a compromise over the rights to the wheat crop.

A color of his own

A little chameleon is distressed that he doesn't have his own color like other animals.


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