
Topical Term

The history of earth

an illustrated chronicle of an evolving planet
Paintings enhance the text through a chronicle of our planet--its origin, its development, and its future.

Is there life in outer space?

Explores the question of whether life exists in outer space, and looks at how technology is helping scientists learn more about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Space, time, infinity

the Smithsonian views the universe
Over 300 full color photographs and text describe the origins of the universe.

How did we find out about the universe?

Explains how our conception of the size of the universe has changed as astronomers and their instruments have become more sophisticated.

Mysteries of the universe

Discusses the various theories concerning the creation, expansion, and possible end of the universe. Also defines such phenomena as black holes, neutrons, pulsars, red shifts, and other discoveries that further enhance our knowledge of the world beyond our planet.

Stephen Hawking's universe

an introduction to the most remarkable scientist of our time
Describes the theoretical work of the outstanding British physicist Stephen Hawking, who has done noteworthy work in cosmology.

The illustrated encyclopedia of the universe

An overview of the universe that presents a history of astronomy, the laws of physics, a chronicle of theories about the universe, a survey of the universe's contents, an examination of the solar system, a history of space exploration, a selection of observation charts, and a reference section.

Wonders of the universe

Examines the scope and nature of the universe, focusing on how it is known via observations made, and methods devised, on Earth.

The view from planet Earth

man looks at the cosmos
An analysis of how the views of influential thinkers throughout history have affected the evolution of our culture and our lives.

The universe

past, present, and future
Explains the Big Bang theory of the formation of the universe and discusses its possible continued growth.


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