san francisco (calif.)

Geographic Name
san francisco (calif.)

Nate the Great, San Francisco detective

Nate the Great goes to San Francisco to solve a mystery with his cousin, Olivia Sharp, who is also a detective.

Julie's journey

Julie and her cousins set out on an old-fashioned wagon train to celebrate the Bicentennial, and Julie is unprepared for the challenges of prairie life, but when she and her cousins have a chance to make history, Julie rises to the challenge.

Julie tells her story

In 1974 at her new San Francisco school, nine-year-old Julie does not want to tell her class about her parents' divorce, or to tell her sister about messing up her school assignment, but when she breaks her finger playing basketball and her whole family rallies around her, she realizes the importance of telling the truth.

Julie and the eagles

Julie and Ivy try to come up with a unique way to educate the public on the region's endangered eagles and raise enough money to help the wildlife rescue center release two injured eagles back into the wild.

Happy New Year, Julie

Julie is dreading the holidays after her parents divorce and spends her time at her best friend Ivy's home, where she helps the family celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Changes for Julie

In the mid-1970s, Julie decides to run for student body president after being sent to detention unfairly and comes to find that many of her classmates do not like her prospective vice president, Joy, because she is deaf.

Pop's bridge

Robert and his friend Charlie are proud of their fathers, who are working on the construction of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.


Having arrived in San Francisco from China to work in his brother's store, Ming is lonely until an Irish boy befriends him.

Speak to me

(and I will listen between the lines)
Describes events of one day at a San Francisco Bay Area school as perceived by different second-graders, from the observations of first to arrive on the playground to the walk home.

Hattie ever after

In 1919, seventeen-year-old Hattie leaves the Montana prairie--and her sweetheart Charlie--to become a female reporter in San Francisco.


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