Text and illustrations present the life of the dinosaur known as brachiosaurus. Includes information on how this prehistoric animal looked, along with its behavior. Written in English and Spanish.
Follows a prehistoric armor-plated mammal through her day as she grazes, fights off a saber tooth tiger, and observes other denizens of her primitive world.
Introduces lesser known prehistoric creatures, including the giant sea scorpion called a eurypterid, the helicoprion shark, and the carnivorous land dinosaur Deinonychus.
Illustrations with transparent overlays and brief text describe the physical characteristics, life cycles, and habits of dinosaurs. Prehistoric flying reptiles and mammoths that lived after the dinosaurs are also presented.
Follows a prehistoric cave bear through her day as she emerges from hibernation and introduces her new cub to the wonders and dangers of their savage world.
Text and picture puzzles provide information about many different prehistoric creatures, including early fishes, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, and mammals.