Numeroff, Laura Joffe

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The Jellybeans love to dance

When four young girls meet in dance class, it takes time for them to find a way--and a reason--to pull together as one, but Emily helps them realize that, just like a bag of jellybeans, they can be different and still go well together.

If you take a mouse to school

Follows a boy and his mouse through a busy day at school.

The best mouse cookie

A hard working mouse bakes his own cookies in his own little house. You can never have too many cookies because then you have some to share.

If you give a pig a pancake

One thing leads to another when you give a pig a pancake.

Phoebe Dexter has Harriet Peterson's sniffles

Phoebe has to stay home from kindergarten because she has a cold.

If you give a moose a muffin

Chaos can ensue if you give a moose a muffin and start him on a cycle of urgent requests.

Si llevas un rataon a la escuela

Follows a boy and his mouse through a busy day at school.

Si le das un panqueque a una cerdita

One thing leads to another when you give a pig a pancake.

If you give a mouse a cookie

and other songs, games, and readings
A young boy spends his entire day trying to meet the needs of the mouse who wanted a cookie, a glass of milk, a mirror, and other things.


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