Numeroff, Laura Joffe

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Chimps don't wear glasses

Even though animals do not normally wear glasses, cook, or read, if you use your imagination you can see them doing these and even more fantastic things.

Two for stew

Because the restaurant has no more stew, and the grandmother who makes it is out for the evening, two friends find a different way to enjoy themselves.

Otis & Sydney and the best birthday ever

Otis plans a surprise party for his best friend, Sydney, and although he has put the wrong date on the invitations and no one else comes, the two still have a wonderful time together.

Chimps don't wear glasses

Even though animals don't normally wear glasses, cook, or read, if you use your imagination you can see them doing these and even more fantastic things.

If you give a mouse a cookie

Relating the cycle of requests a mouse is likely to make after you give him a cookie takes the reader through a young boy's day.


A girl's father really wants a dog, but the landlord doesn't permit pets in their apartment.

The hope tree

kids talk about breast cancer
Various kids describe their feelings and how they cope with their mothers' breast cancer.

What sisters do best

Presents back-to-back stories about sisters and brothers doing the same things for a younger sibling, each story arriving at the same conclusion that giving love is the best thing they both can do.

Beatrice doesn't want to

Beatrice doesn't like books or libraries until on one forced visit to the library with her brother she discovers the children's room.

Nighty-night, Cooper

It is bedtime, but Cooper is not ready to climb into his mother's pouch and go to sleep until they enjoy some lullabies.


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