active learning

Topical Term
active learning

Starting from scratch

one classroom builds its own curriculum
The author describes his experiences and processes designing curriculum for the elementary classroom, based on his thirteen years at a Waldorf school in Massachusetts where the same teacher follows a group of children from kindergarten through eighth grade.

Comprehension & collaboration

inquiry circles for curiosity, engagement, and understanding
Offers teachers a comprehensive overview of cross-curricular projects that emphasize collaboration and help students create inquiry circles that will expand their research skills and broaden their knowledge of various subjects.

The best class you never taught

how spider web discussion can turn students into learning leaders
Cover image of The best class you never taught

Teaching in the fast lane

how to create active learning experiences
Cover image of Teaching in the fast lane

Thematic inquiry through fiction and nonfiction, PreK to grade 6

Contains sixteen thematic inquiry units for students in preschool through sixth grade, each with a sample dialogic reading, examples, activities, and assessments; grouped in the categories of personal well-being, products people make and use, the community, and outdoor recreation.
Cover image of Thematic inquiry through fiction and nonfiction, PreK to grade 6

Beat boredom

engaging tuned-out teenagers
A teachers guide to working with teenagers who have lost motivation to learn.
Cover image of Beat boredom

17,000 classroom visits can't be wrong

strategies that engage students, promote active learning, and boost achievement
Provides a guide for teachers to shift the dynamic of the classroom from teaching to learning, based on observations from 17,000 classroom visits.
Cover image of 17,000 classroom visits can't be wrong

From seatwork to feetwork

engaging students in their own learning
Provides guidance for teachers to energize and engage their students to become active participants in their own learning.
Cover image of From seatwork to feetwork

Flipped learning

gateway to student engagement
Flipped classroom pioneers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams take their revolutionary educational philosophy to the next level ... Building on the energy of the thousands of educators inspired by the influential book Flip Your Classroom, this installment is all about what happens next -- when a classroom is truly student-centered and teachers are free to engage with students on an individual level.
Cover image of Flipped learning

Integrating inquiry across the curriculum

A collection of eleven essays by leading experts who address integrating inquiry across the kindergarten through twelfth-grade curriculum, and includes field-tested curriculum materials based on the national standard, assessment data, and first-person accounts.


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