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Vietnamese picture dictionary

learn 1,500 Vietnamese words and expressions
Provides a visual dictionary of 1,500 Vietnamese words and phrases that includes photographs, English translations, pronunciation guides, and links to audio recordings from native speakers. Categories cover food, transportation, colors, numbers, culture, and holidays.

Lima's red hot chili

Vietnamese: Q?ua ??t ??o c?ua lima
Lima, a little bit hungry, succumbs to the temptation to eat a shiny, red hot chili, and gets full really fast eating ice cream, jello, and other cool treats to counteract the effects of the burning pepper. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

I took the moon for a walk

Vietnamese: M?nh v? tr?ng c?ng ?i d?o
A boy takes the moon for an evening walk through his neighborhood. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

The dragon's tears

Chun Li's kindness to a talking fish is rewarded with a pearl that brings him and his mother good fortune, but tragedy ensues when greedy villagers become jealous and demand the magical pearl be turned over to them. Presented in Vietnamese and English.

Augustus and his smile

Augustus goes on a journey to recover the smile that he lost, but even after climbing trees, scaling mountains, and swimming to the bottom of the ocean Augustus has no luck, until he finds a puddle in the desert. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

Goldilocks and the three bears

Retells the story of Goldilocks, a little girl who, lost in the woods, goes uninvited into the home of the three bears and rudely helps herself to their food and belongings. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

Not again, Red Riding Hood!

Vietnamese : ???ng V??y N??a R?t Rai-?ing H?t!
Little Red Riding Hood embarks on a new adventure when she once again heads into the woods, this time to bring a treat to her father. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

Handa's surprise

Vietnamese: Handa v? m?n qu? b??t ng?? =
Handa puts seven different fruits in a basket to take to her friend as a surprise, but, as she walks, a number of animals help themselves to her treats and, by the time she arrives, everyone is in for a surprise. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

Listen, listen

An illustrated depiction of the four seasons in both Vietnamese and English, featuring animals and people enjoying the outdoors through summer, fall, winter, and spring.

Keeping up with Cheetah

Cheetah comes to better appreciate his relationship with Hippopotamus after he learns there are more important qualities in a friend than being able to run fast.


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